Japanese Cool

[Japanese Cool] exhibition in Denmark,
organized by Professor Makoto Shimazaki*
showcases the Japanese designer’s furniture and interior products in three locations as below with across-the-board supports both in Denmark and Japan:
manufacturers, retailers, research institutes, universities, Museums, trade show organization, designers. Aiming to exchange the mutual understanding between Danish and Japanese design and to create the business opportunities, Danish designer’s furniture and interior products are also promoted to Japanese market.

First exhibition [Japanese Cool 1]- Denmark Design Center

11 Feb 2006 – 26 Feb 2006

The opening reception for [Japanese Cool 1] exhibition was held on 10 Feb 2006 at Denmark Design Center (DDC), supported by aproximately 200 participants including the embassy officials, jarnalists, designers, and retailers.

The project (Japan Denmark Design Project) was previously interviewed by media, and featured in seven magazines and the evening TV news for 5 minutes.

Followed by the kickoff party, the seminar lectured by Prof. Makoto Shimazaki covering the Japanese design, the Danish Japanese design communication, and the summery of [Japanese Cool] exhibiton, attracted more than 100 Danish designers joined.

Furthermore, the Japanese designers: Mr. Motomi Kawakami, Ms. Midori Mitsui, and Mr. Hiroshi Akutsu, collaborating with JDDP, had come in the events from Japan, and fascinated the audiences when questioned by the domestic designers and the press about their products’ concepts and the experiences at the meeting time after the ceremonies.



Joint hosting:
Denmark Design Center, 2nd Floor
Japanese designer’s furniture & interior products
(textile, table ware) ;85 kinds, 105 pieces
Jddp-jp Panel/ Jddp-dk Panel/ Denmark Design Center
JETRO- Japan External Trade Organization
Royal Danish Embassy in Japan/ Embassy of Japan in Denmark


会場:デンマーク王国 コペンハーゲン市「デンマークデザインセンター」
主催:Jddp-jp Panel/Jddp-dk Panel/デンマークデザインセンター

柳宗理、剣持勇、川上元美ら巨匠たちの作品らをはじめ、日本を代表するデザインを集めたエキシビション「Japanese Cool 」。この度、本展覧会に大沢邦生のデザインが展示されます。デンマークデザインセンター、トラファルト美術館、コペンハーゲンファニチャーフェアと、北欧3カ所を巡回いたします。